and the 29th Tunnel of Set

Waning Moon MeditationWaning Moon Meditation & Hastur Rite

I Waning moon meditation
See other group members sitting around you, feel their presence. The group is arranged in a half circle. Looking upwards into the black sky above, you see no visible stars, only the waning crescent, see the moon dying, feel the diminishing of light, life and transform that into the death of order, structure, form. Let the visions of this realm fill your mind. let its appearance be dark and terrific! Terrorizing and inspiring! a place where shadows breath and chaos dances, in the distance hear the baying of hounds, hear the croaking
of frogs, the screech of the owl and the squeal of bats.

As you hear and visualize this, know that the coming darkness is imminent, that the Nameless Aeons of Chaos await. Breath deeply and pull via your throat the energy of the waning moon, the moon of malignancy, when witches cast their darkest spells, when curses and malevolent magick are practiced. For this is the moon of destruction! And creation! When what is old dies away, The serpent shedding its old skin and what is to be is not yet born.

In front of you now on the ground you notice an immense octagon shaped mirror with shiny black surface that is framed by etchings of serpents with glittering scales that undulate in the sliver of moonlight that glows above. On the other side of the mirror, across from the group naked sits Lam' she is hard to see because a glittering mist rises in plumes from the surface of mirror, but she appears to be holding something, and as your eyes focus, you see on her lap a large frog-like creature with glowing yellow eyes. She strokes its flesh, and reaching between her legs, her fingers covered in a dark red, she anoints the frog in her moon blood, and as she does this you notice glowing upon its body in silver is the sigil of Qulielfi and you see that too glowing upon the throat of Lam' is the sigil of Qulielfi. Now stare deeply into its malevolent yellow eyes of this creature, feel and see the ancient mysteries those eyes hold, then look at the mirror, and see that the frog casts no reflection, and the mirror does not reflect but it absorbs light, like a black hole. Lam' brings frog to her lips and she kisses it reverently, holding it up to the sky, bowing her head in homage. She rises and places frog on the ground.

Lam' now walks slowly around the circle left to right, stopping at each member, reaching between her legs and with finger streaks the third eye chakra with her moon blood. She then takes her place with the group and once seated the group recites :

II. Dedication of Purpose (recited)

"We gather under the moon of the serpent, to partake of the mysteries of the dying moon, plunging ourselves into the depths of Amenta during the dimmest hours where Apep awaits our call, and seek the mist filled tunnel where Qulielfi awaits. This our moon of power, the moon of destruction, of ending things, dark energies conjured"

Waning Moon Meditation (conclusion)

After finishing, your focus returns to the frog which has been annointed and paid homage to, you meditate upon how it is an avatar of Qulielfi, of Hekt, the frog headed goddess of ancient Egypt, mistress of the dying and black moon,. Suddenly the frog jumps through the
mirror, the mirror appears solid but is an illusion of moonlight, of liquid. Ponder for a few minutes the significance of this event, symbology of the mirror, where the mirror leads and where the frog went, You are filled with a growing desire to follow the frog.

To test the power of this illusion, of the shift in your perception of reality. You rise and as if drawn by the absorbing power of the mirror, you stand before it, looking at its depths, the mist rising in a choking plume upon your face, dazed you stumble and fall into the mirror, And now it is nothing but utter and absolute darkness, because through this mirror, we like the frog has lept into the tunnel of Qulielfi, into the Abyssal planes, part of that place known as Universe B, the Qliphothic realms, Let this journey into Qulielfi be experienced subjectively, it is your own personal experience. The group is gone, it is just you now alone in the tunnel making a journey through it.


The Nightside Tarot - © Linda Falorio, 1995

When you are ready to leave this tunnel, a portal will open, you will know it has opened when you feel a cold rush of air upon you. Through this portal you walk to reach the destination which you seek. You continue walking towards the intensifying cold air and see before you
a vast desolate terrain illuminated by shafts of dim corroding light.

At this time envision yourself upon a plane of desolation, with a blackened sky above, except for the constellation of Hyades visible, see the glowing red star of Aldebaran. You are in a setting like that described in Liber Logaeth where a Gate through which They from the Outer Void manifest with stones in the elevenfold configuration. You see around you the four cardinal stones that mark the direction of the four winds as they howleth through their seasons.

Set around these are the seven stones of Those that wander ye heavens, without ye inner four and through their diverse influences shall ye focus of power be established.

In the North beyond the stone of Great Coldness is stone of Saturn at a space of three paces. Looking left to right you see the same distance apart stones of Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Sul and Luna marking each with their rightful sign.

Looking towards the East of this configuration is configuration is a tall altar of black basalt and carved upon it in glowing phospherent yellow/green are symbols and sigils of Chaos and the Great Old Ones: Yog-Sothoth and the mighty names of Azathoth, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath and Hastur.

And these stones are the Gates through which are called forth those from Outside man's time and space.

Upon the ground in the middle of the stones has been drawn the Yellow Sign,

you follow the group as they walk towards it and form a circle around it. The Priestess is Standing in middle of this circle and begins to sway and undulate erotically, her movements stirring energies to rise, as distant thunder rumbles and snow falls in thick clumps from the skies. This dance also arouses you begin to masturbate, as the Priestess continues her erotic dance of conjuration. A chalice is passed around and when orgasm is reached you release your seed into it. During the gyrations and movements of her dance, the Priestess grabs the chalice and places it upon the altar.

While at the altar, she picks up small jar with brush and moving around the circle she approaches you. She kisses your forehead, lips and then kneels to kiss your genitals, before rising to paint upon the Ajna chakra the yellow sign. You feel the burning sensation of the
yellow sign as if etched upon your flesh. The pain is intense, forcing you to close your eyes. the Priestess laughs while you do this, and murmurs a short chant you do not understand. When you open your eyes she is smiling at you and you notice her body is covered with sigils that appear to move and writhe upon her skin. She then turns and continues on to do the same to other members.

NOTE: At this point in your place of physical working you light the yellow candle and incense. If you are able to you can also burn a yellow flame, you can do this by adding borax to the flame or also create yellow smoke with charcoal and incense by sprinkling magnesium
powder upon the hot coals.

Once the candle is lit, and incense ignited, through the candle and smoke return your consciousness to the place of the astral working. When you feel and see the others and the setting of the rite then to each direction invoke the following Old One going widdershins:

East-Shub Niggurath
North-Yog Sothoth

Now return to the Center for Inversion of the Elements:
Chaos Priest of the Air in North
Chaos Priest of the Fire in West
Chaos Priest of the Water in South
Chaos Priest of the Earth in East

Priest standing in West holding chalice moves to South reciting –"I come from the West, with the Water of chaos"

Priest standing in South holds vessel of flame walks to the West—"I come from the South With the flames of chaos"

In Unison: "Let the flame burn as if liquid and the Water be set aflame"

Priest standing in East holding sword, dagger or incense thurible moves to the North reciting—"I come from the East, with winds of Chaos"

Priest standing in the North holding Inverted Pentagram of goat moves to the East reciting "I come from the North, with the Cthonic beasts of Chaos"

All In Unison: "Let the Earth be as air, blown asunder by the black winds and the Air dense as if matter, to crush, with weight of destruction let the sky fall!" Order has been usurped, The elements of creation profaned, The directions blasphemied! IA IA The Dark Gods of Chaos! IA IA The Gods to Come--The Great OldOnes--To Reign the Nameless Aeons!

At this time you see standing in front of the altar the Priestess covered in sigils that crawl upon her flesh, she is flanked by two hooded wraith attendents, stand before the altar clutching between her hands a large ornate chalice engraved with Yellow sign surrounded by strange runes and sigils' "Come and take communion of the Unspeakable One, for the hour of the ritual is at hand."

She hands the steaming chalice to the attendants and lays herself down upon the altar spreading her legs wide, carefully the contents of the chalice is poured into Lam's yoni. At this time you come forward and drink of the elixir bubbling between the Priestess legs. After this is done everyone gathers around the yellow sign glowing upon the frozen ground as an unearthly chant begins in low, guttural, sonorous tones:
Hastur, Asssatur, Xastur, Kaiwan
(repeated 23 x)

In unison with the other Priests you make the call upon Hastur: "From Caracosa, from the depths of the waters of Hali arise. In beauty is the yellow wind of destruction may its creation blow through us! In beauty is the mist of the unspeakable one may its essence flow through us! In beauty is the fog of Assatur may its power wash over us! In beauty is the one who sits nameless upon ebon throne in Kadath may its wisdom fill us! Oh so beautiful is the piping tune of the yellow king may its melody sing through us!"

As you do this the wind begins to shriek and howl violently, from the East a yellow fog begins to roll in. Suddenly you see the Priestess standing upon the altar, her back to you, beckoning the fog to her as she shouts with extreme passion and fervor (as she is invoking, do whatever you like, the written part of the ritual is now over, and all the rest you experience, see, feel, do or say is left up to you.

 by Blackfire
